Hi, same Coil new issue.
I want to go away from the already working antenna feedback to Secondary or now Primary feedback.
Because of better timing and I had already had two of them, and it is not possible to use both with antenna feedback more or less close together.
When I had ONLY attached the single Antenna wire and no power on IGBT side you can here the GDT working.
As soon as i add a Secondary (one ferite with 80T) or Primary feedback 1000:1 the coil donĀ“t come to live. Also you can`t hear the GDT in any way.
So I have no clue where the issue is or if the start up pulse is missing.
Anyone an idea to solve it?
That it is working with primary feedback you can see in this video. He uses the primary feedback ( but he also struggle with secondary feedback)
I add the missing Feedback connection on the PCB Board to the schematic